About Dunk
My name is Scott Mills, and by way of introduction, I have thus far had an amazing adventure in life as a full-time pastor and part-time high school teacher for the last 20 years (25 if you include all the volunteer youth-pastoring I did while I was a high school English teacher).
These endeavors required so many skills, wearing so many hats, I could legitimately list “Mad Hatter” on my business card!
A non-exhaustive list would include:
preparing and presenting creative weekly studies and sermons to both small and large groups;
preparing and presenting creative lesson plans to high school students, some eager, some not-so-much
training, motivating, and monitoring volunteers;
presenting as the featured speaker (and sometimes as worship leader) at camps, seminars, rallies, and retreats;
personal, marriage, and family counseling;
and leading discussion groups.
There was also some plumbing, painting, stage-designing, and some just-barely-legal fireworks show designing tossed in for good measure!
I am currently taking a hiatus from the pastor / teacher journey, and bringing my years of creative communication to a different field. Over the years, I've learned how to present the "essence" of something concisely, with creativity, and with clarity, and I can help you tell your story.
Some of the things I most enjoy are discovering hidden gems, telling stories, and creatively presenting the world with a beautiful, brilliant, or beautiful concept, business, or person. I love watching the light come on for people when an idea, creatively presented, finds its mark.

Scott Teaching

Yearbook picture second year teaching at South Medford High School

Here comes the bride! Scott & Gracie on her wedding day.

Scott Teaching
Why "Dunk?" My middle name is Duncan, and one of the affectionate nicknamesmy mother gave me was "Scottie-Dunk."
And the Dunk kind of stuck!
What you might not be able to deduce from the short bio is that I'm a devoted family man & at least a partial adrenaline junkie who enjoys:
mt. biking
hanging w/ Rapha
cliff jumping
reading all kinds of lit
being a fan of CS Lewis & JRR Tolkien
playing guitar & singing
being an entrenched
coffee snob
I enjoy all of the above more fully & richly when enjoying it
with Amie, my wife of 22 years, and/or with
my four very spirited, talented & amazing kiddos.