Social Media Marketing
While few know the who, what, where, when, why, & how's of the tidal wave that is social media, we all know it's here to stay, and the tide will only continue to rise.
Social Media's momentum is moving so quickly now (read brief history of social media here), it's not only hard to keep up, but it can be overwhelming to figure out how to wade into this flood-stage medium.
What do I do with my Facebook page?
Do I need a YouTube channel?
Should I be blogging?
Will google+ do me any good?
Do guys actually use Pinterest?
Is MySpace really dead?
What's an RSS feed?
Should I be on Instagram?
How important is tweeting?
What is Vine, anyway?
What am I being LinkedIn to?
What's the next "big thing?"
Unless you're a major corporation with unlimited resources to throw at each and every social media outlet, you're going to have to pick and choose which baskets you want to put your social media eggs into.
New, hip, and cool does not necessarily translate into effectiveness for your business, organization or cause.
At Dunk, we help you navigate the vast ocean of social media to find the right social streams to tell your story.
Are you looking for ways to effectively use social media for your business, cause, or passion?
Are you following an established strategy for your social connections?
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