Suffering from “Information Overload?” I have one small, simple “information” solution to offer.

Information overload is a real thing. Here’s what I'm doing about an content CREATOR.
Maybe you’ve heard the song by Switchfoot “Adding to the Noise…”
Where they say, in essence, “Hey, there’s a ton of ‘noise’ out there. If we’re adding to it, turn off this song.”
I’ve read that in our information age there’s more information produced in a single day than was produced in an entire year for our grandparents.
So, here’s what I’m doing about it.
I create story templates for folks to use in their marketing.
Tell the right kind story and you can boost your sales by up to 28x according to the Significant Objects Project.
Alas, not everyone feels comfortable, confident, or competent enough in their writing to tell the kind of story that will help sell their product or service.
Similarly, copywriters thrive on having a framework to follow for their clients. No need to re-invent the proverbial wheel.
It gets easier if you have a framework to follow, a template to lead you point by point through creating the kind of story that will connect with your audience.
Now, most information products courses and trainings you can buy seem to me to be “adding to the noise.”
The information comes in an avalanche, most of which doesn’t ever get used. It just sits there on a digital shelf collecting digital dust.
If you’re like me, you have amassed gobs of unused information sitting on a digital shelf.
I’m guilty! I’ve got saved emails, "look at later" articles, "that might be helpful someday" bookmarks and files on my desktop.
I don’t want to add to the noise.
So, with that in mind, I designed my story template training to be simple, fast to digest, and singular to implement.
You get one story framework PER MONTH (not a gazillion) where you input YOUR information into the test-tested template and out pops an amazing story you can use in your marketing.
Then, next month, I’ll have another amazing story template to share with you.
Simple right?
One story framework per month.
You have 30 days to implement a centuries-old story framework into your sales process.
These story frameworks will help you discover:
How to connect with your audience on a deep level so they’ll feel like you’re “one of them”...on the same path...but just a few steps ahead.
How to position your product or service as the perfect solution to the singular problem your audience is facing.
How to wield influence without coming off as a “know it all.”
How to build trust, believability, and authenticity to keep your audience coming back for more.
How to “connect the dots” in your messaging...all the way to the bank.
So, if you’re interested in boosting your sales with stories, and if having a monthly plug and play template in hand will help you or your clients, here’s what to do next:
Click this link:
It will take you to my free report on the “5 Secrets of Storytelling” and how stories can skyrocket the value of your products.
Then at the bottom of the page, there’ll be a box you can click to order your template for this month.You’ll then have two options:
Buy the David & Goliath template a la cart.
Sign up for the Monthly Template club.
Either way, go give this link a click and get your David & Goliath template today.
Adventure on,
PS - "Yoga Dog," the dog that does yoga with its master, makes a surprise guest appearance, and offers the #1 Secret to using Stories in your marketing.