Tiny Startup Keeps Slaying "Goliaths"

Are you in a competitive niche?
Are there “giants” who have staked out large swaths of territory in your industry?
A reader just sent me a brief snapshot his ongoing David & Goliath story...one where a tiny startup keeps taking down Goliaths in one of the most competitive industries on earth: medical.
There are few industries as competitive and ever-changing as the medical equipment business.
There are multi-billion dollar manufacturers and distributors part of this shark-dominated dance. And the sharks keep eating up the small guys.
Except for one small California “started in our garage” startup. For 40+ years they’ve been taking on the Goliaths of the medical equipment industry - and winning.
What’s more, they’ve leveraged their “underdog” story to perpetuate their success.
How have they done it?
Two core principles emerge:
Customer service that bends over backwards - and snaps in half if necessary.
Commitment to a mission of service - sometimes to the detriment of the bottom line.
Customer Service: If you’re a David in a Goliath-dominated market, you can provide a brand of customer service the big boys just can’t.
Why? Because you’re nimble and can meet the urgency of the need FAST - all while the big boys are just tying their shoes.
When you move FAST and FIX the problem, you inspire a loyalty in your customer that the Goliaths can only dream of.
Inspired by their faith and International travel, this “David” medical company has done something no “Goliath” in their industry has...or can.
For decades, they’ve continued to inspire some of the largest hospitals on the west coast to donate used medical equipment to developing countries, and, as a result, have saved thousands of lives.
Here’s a sure-fire way to slay the Goliaths in YOUR industry: adjust your business model so that doing business with you means being part of a bigger purpose and mission.
Sure, everyone’s out to make a profit, but when profit and purpose are endemic to your business culture, your prospect will LOVE to be on the side of a David. The psychology is simple: when doing business with you means doing good beyond themselves, it makes them feel good about themselves...and when they associate feeling good about themselves with doing business with YOU...well, that’s just something most “Goliaths” can only dream about.
If you’d like to discover how you can tell YOUR David & Goliath story in a compelling and inspiring way, you should pick up my David & Goliath storytelling template.
It will help you position yourself and your business as an “overcomer”...and quite frankly, endear yourself to your audience - whatever that audience may be.
Pick it up here: templates.scott-mills.com/sales
Adventure On,